
By Moritz Petersen - Jan. 8th 2005

Under the label jface I publish my own open source projects. Most of the projects are prototypes and small tools, but maybe you will find something useful for your work. All projects are licensed under LGPL licence.


AutoText is a prototype application and small framework demonstrating auto-completion capabilities for standard Java Swing text fields.


BatchGet is a small tool for downloading multiple files from websites. By using counters it can be process multiple websites in a batch process.


ChEnc is a small tool for changing the encoding of text files.


CodeMetrics is a small application for measuring very simple metrics of Java projects.


FoDevelop is a very useful application for developing XSL-FO stylesheets. It listens to two files: the XSL-FO stylesheet and a XML input file. Both files are converted to a preview of the resulting PDF file. Changes in each file will be immediately displayed.


JarFind is a small tool for finding classes in jar files.


jPlog is a offline picture blogging tool written in Java. It can be used with pictures taken from the Sony Ericsson T610 and automatically resizes the pictures. HTML templates can be changed.


Mavenzilla is a browser and search engine for Maven remote and local repositories.


Mockobject is a mock-object framework including a dynamic proxy framework for using interfaces as base for mock objects.

STeP/mT Core

STeP/mT Core is the core API of the structured text processing framework. This framework is part of my diploma thesis.

STeP/mT Demo Application

STeP/mT Demo Application is a demo application showing the strong power of the structured text processing engine.

STeP/mT Transform

STeP/mT Transform is the transformation engine of the structured text processing framework.


Util is a general utility package, providing all general utility classes and a XML configuration tool.


Vega is a Java Swing application framework providing very useful functions for platform independent applications.